About Me

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About me....I'm a military career woman with two beautiful children. I'm very spontaneous and sporadic. My favorite things in life are seeing my children smile and hearing “mommy I love you”. Outside of family I enjoy a glass of wine and maybe some hard alcohol every now and then ….I’m a shopper, lover, romantic, comedian, smart-ass….theres more but if I tell anymore than that defeats the purpose of the blogsip! So let's just talk about whateva and have fun doing it...Stay Fabulous bloggers!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why must people in my life be so…..SEASONAL!

Arghhhhh! I’m so upset because every time I meet someone I bond/vibe/correlate to…they leave! This is becoming so frustrating! It hasn’t happened only ONCE but at least more than FIVE TIMES!!!!!!!!! I know being in the military plays an important role in it but I just want to get my group of folks that I can go to and relax with after a hard days of work or you know a group of FRIENDS (not associates) that I can make memories with. YES…GIRLFRIENDS (the television show) has ruined me (and if you haven’t seen it, I suggest you get wit it). I want my Joan, Toni, and Mya (yes I forgot the other one name). I need to chit chat about fashion, hair, whose screwing who and what eye candy we saw….lol. I’ve never been one to really care about this before but after being married for almost four years and having people come in and out of my life on a constant basis….I want some friend stability. Majority of my friendships are long distance….what good does that do really? I mean yeah I can pick up the phone and chit chat but what about when I need that friends shoulder or just want that company…you know someone besides the hubby. I’m just so frustrated right now and friend lonely! So off topic….did I mention I’m trying to make female friends….I have a lot of male friends! Matter fact my BFF is a guy. Love him like a brother…shout out to you B! I do bond better with the guys but I don’t think hubby enjoys that too much! But how do you change that?!? Me and females just have nothing in common…plus the feeling is probably neutral with his “woman” in his life! I’m not one for trying to cause drama at home but I am a dependent friend, so I could see that causing some issues. Oh what to do? Well until I gather my group…I will continue to blog! Speaking of I’m in Afghanistan right now and oh boi………….I need fashion and all that in my life! PLEASE….help me! What is going on in the world? Tell ME! So I guess I will end it with….my wardrobe isn’t the only thing that is seasonal but apparently so are the lifelines of my friendships 


  1. girl, its not because you are in the military because that happens to me too! i don't have many female friend may like 2 my life is full of testosterone. I love my males friends but sometimes i need the advice of a woman or just some girl time. I'm gonna tell you like my Aunt tells me all the time...it will happen it may not be 2morrow or today but u will find a nice friend circle that will last forever and a day. Its best that those relationships didn't work they weren't the kind of friend you were looking for anyway

    ps.. what kind of fashion you looking for I don't shit has changed much just yet lol

  2. @sunshinestar110...you are so right about needing advice from some girls. I don't understand why though! I have been fine all this time but now all of a sudden I'm in need of girlfriends. Go figure! Your Aunt is right...patience is the key or maybe I just don't that in my life right. Thanks girl! Girl, right now anything to me is fashion....this place is so scarce real life and fun. I miss my clothes, purses, shoes, tv, cellphone....all of it...lol.
